Milia Removal - description and treatment
Blemish description and treatment
If you can see small white bumps, dotted under your eyes or across your cheeks, that won’t squeeze out, you may have milia.
Miia appear on the surface of the skin when dead skin cells become trapped. They are made up of a pocket of keratin, a protein on the outer layer of the skin. The build up of keratin becomes sealed-off by your epidermal cells (the outer layer of your skin) and this seal is what makes the removal process of milia more complex than simply squeezing like you can a spot.
The equipment required for removal of these blemishes is a short wave diathermy unit. The unit uses an alternating, high frequency current to treat the blemish by thermolysis.
Milia are removed by probing into the superficial strata of the skin. Heather will start at a low level of current whilst gauging the effect on your blemish and on surrounding skin. It may be necessary to slowly raise the level to achieve optimum results.
Once the milia have been treated, Heather will extract them with sterile tweezers and apply a calming solution. The area will be noticeably red after treatment.
Most blemishes, once removed and the site healed over, will leave virtually no sign of their original presence on the skin’s surface. Occasionally they leave a small area of slight discolouration or tiny scar. With due care by the client, both should fade with time but there is no guarantee. Treated blemishes will not return however in some cases new ones may form depending on the underlying cause.
General after care advice
Treat this ‘wound’ as you would a minor burn. Keep the area clean and dry for at least 24hrs after treatment. Do not cover the area with makeup. A burns plaster can be applied if necessary. Provided you have no allergy to it, applying a lotion such as aloe vera is recommended. Continue to keep the area clean at all times to prevent infection.
Wound healing can take up to 4 weeks. Avoid exposure to sunlight, chlorinated water and perfumed products. Avoid hot baths and showers. No further beauty treatments can be carried out on the area of the wound during this healing time. Should scabs form they must be allowed to fall off naturally.
General conditions that may prevent treatment:
Minors cannot receive treatment.
Hepatitis, HIV, haemophilia, varicose veins, acne/Rosacea, metal plates and pins and poor healing skin in the treatment area (cannot be treated), heart disorders (I will need to check with insurance company). Other health limitations may apply and must be divulged at your consultation for consideration.
Pacemakers, infectious skin conditions, clients on warfarin, type 1 diabetes, asthma and epilepsy will all require proof of Doctor’s authorisation to treat via short wave diathermy.